
Source code deployed on Github.


  • Vocabulary builder by generating interesting word lists from stardict dictionaries. Allowing regular expression search. Written in python.
  • Command-line dictionary with colored output.


Regular expression support

See some regex search examples below:

Regex support.

Colored output

Keywords are highlighted.

Jupyter/Ipython notebook (Experimental)

Interactively searching/translating in Jupyter notebooks.


Py-sdvb is now available on PyPI. Use pip (python3 version) to install:

pip3 install py-sdvb

Prerequisites for manual installation

This package is based on PyStarDict (

Programs are tested for python3 on Mac OS X.


Get the dictionaries

Put all the dictionaries in the directory ~/.stardict/. If you have been using tools like stardict or sdcv, you probably have already had the dictionaries stored there.


This is the primary program to help building your vocabulary, by generating a list of words together with their translations.

Run pysdvb like this:

pysdvb [-s] [-h]

Use the [-h] option for help.

The -s option provides a mode to choose dictionary. Otherwise, all the dictionaries are used.

You will then be prompted with REGEX:, which askes you to input regular expressions for search.


This is an interactive command line dictionary tool, basically an analog of sdcv.


Manually add to $PATH

If py_sdvb is not installed with pip, probably you need to run these commands:

ln -s /path/to/py_sdvb/pysdvb/ /usr/local/bin/pysdvb
ln -s /path/to/py_sdvb/pysdvb/ /usr/local/bin/pysdcv