Vocabulary Builder Employing StarDict Dictionaries

Just another vocabulary building tool

When I was on Linux, I used to look English words up in StarDict. After changing to macOS, using dictionary is much easier, with only three fingers clicking the unkown word. Although, this is still not flexible enough.

Here I present a stupid simple tool written in Python3, which can perform regular expression search in StarDict dictionaries. With this tool, one can do some interesting explorations into the ocean of words.

I named this as py-sdvb, meaning “Python3 StarDict Vocabulary Builder”. Unfortunately, the user has to write a dictionary file first, in the format of StarDict. Optionally one can try to download the dictionary files from Internet. Please be cautious of the copyright problems.


  • Py-sdvb is now available on PyPI. Use pip (python3 version) to install:
pip3 install py-sdvb
  • Alternatively, one can fork or download the project from Github:
git clone https://github.com/noinil/py_sdvb ~/py-sdvb

Prerequisites for manual installation

This package is based on PyStarDict (https://github.com/lig/pystardict).


At the current stage, py-sdvb is only tested for python3.5 (and higher versinos) on macOS.


Move the dictionary files into ~/.stardict/.

Simply run pysdcv and pysdvb.


Simple regular expressions (RE)

Figure: Simple RE search.

“Root” searching

Figure: Word roots.


Figure: Palindrome search.

The longest Chinese idiom

Figure: Chinese idiom search.

Chinese idiom “three and two”

Figure: Chinese idiom RE search.

Japanese “huge and tiny”

Figure: Japanese RE search.

In Jupyter Notebook

Figure: Used in Jupyter notebook.


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